Friday, May 5, 2023

Another Friday...


Doom4GZ Ray Tracing

My, let me just say!!!! This is A-Maz-Ing!!
I haven't played it much yet, but a doom mod being over a gigabyte in size that ISN'T that one Terrywad made to be large on purpose with no content is bound to be BADASS. This is basically the original doom remade graphically and game-play-wise to function like 2016's reboot of DOOM. The levels are the originals intact so hopefully no cease-and-desist letter will occur and this shit will move out of its Alpha stage and be a real thing. I downloaded it anyway just in case. My classic doom folder is over 600 gigabytes in size now and the classic game was 0.012 (12 Megabytes) lol. Maybe I have an addiction or something.

In other news I am currently just enjoying my lack of computer usage and spending time with my wife and kiddo while I relax from work with a bad back. I have one offday instead of two this week per request to make up for missing two days and only making eight hours each paid time off. Saturdays are usually my "computer stuff" days so I'm spending my Friday with my wife doing house stuff like my Friday should be.

Doom4GZ Ray Tracing

Oh, and playing MORE of this beautiful shit!