Primitive "First Wave" (1995-1999)

     I kept everything. I even uploaded some to FTP jokingly not knowing they'd go up for review & rated for Doomworld's /newstuff Chronicles. Oops! It all started with "Chambers of Death." and boy was it terrible. I got one level to work out of several attempts with no clue how I messed it up at first. It was a DOS editor, so linedefs required a sidedef to manually be added. I didn't know, so I copied and pasted the same level over and over and over again to make a megawad out of it. There were three (sometimes four) episodes of just this shit! 

    I then got my second level to actually work, and called that megawad "Doom Battlefields." After that, while I was turning "Chambers of Death" into a trilogy, any working level became a part of "Doom Nightmares." This also ended up a trilogy, as I plotted out the next trilogy, "Doom Chaos." Unfortunately, after naming Chaos to Chaos 3 and graphing out 1-2 on paper, with a tiny bit of 4, I decided I was done and had another idea. Chaos 1-2 were supposed to be slightly more simplistic, and I really didn't need to go that route, considering everything sucked pretty bad so far. It even says so on the "Doom Nightmares" title screen!

    The "Hall of Mirror" effects where the walls are screwed up are errors in the node builder vs uploading to ftp and forgetting about them until losing them and downloading them later. Some of the stuff, also including the DeHackEd patches, were all screwy forever!     

    So there you have it! The original 4. If you're bored and need a good simple laugh, here you go! If by chance, you prefer torture instead.... I brought you "Nightmares of Loki." It flopped hard and got stabbed on the /newstuff Chronicles again. If you look back to 2003 when I finally released this 1999 wad, you'll see just how bad! This was just after I made some levels I later found and named "Lost Levels 1996" on a floppy disk recently. 

    So if you're in the mood for bad sound effects, "ok" music selections, bad texturing and enemy sprite recolors, very long boring switchhunt levels, and no detail... YOU GOT IT! A lot of the sound effects were made with my own mouth, except for the screaming in the microphone reversed and echo added from my dad, which ended up sounding like a tortured dying elephant. You'll see exactly what I mean if you load it up! This concludes all my bullshit. I started to remake "Nightmares of Loki" to be called "Loki's Realm," but due to the responses on the first one, I quit doom level editing and jumped back to strictly music for a couple of decades before finally picking it back up again!

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