Sunday, August 28, 2022

Happy Birthday Bee!!

 I've been dabbling in this doom mod The Last Sanctuary

    The handwritten website is still under development but looking pretty cool. I've labelled it "Website 2022G" because it's #7 this year so far. What you see right now at is the minimal approach that is going to be replaced with pen instead of text. 

    Tomorrow is my wife's birthday. We were going to get Fogo De Chao but decided to save the gift card for another time that I got. There were other gift cards such as Starbucks that she definitely loved. Other than a backpack full of stuff for our job together with Beats Studio earbuds, I got her a new furry friend she's wanted for years, a Tarantula...


UPDATE: We did go to Fogo De Chao, and she did end up using every gift card on sort of a "date night" spree.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

John Romero Approved!!! and Co-Published!!!

John Romero's Aug 10 2022 Commercial!!

Well guys, it's official. John Romero, co-creator of DOOM, is co-publishing our game, Project Warlock 2. I just saw the boxed set for the first one is also getting the Romero games tag, so I'm assuming that one too. I literally don't know what to say other than holy shit. 

This was his first commercial:

That one sure enough freaked me out, but now check out what he's doing with us:

You can reserve your copy of the "big box" set today at !!!

Website Redesign IV

 Yeah here we are again. I'm keeping the minimal approach but handwriting it ;)

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Website Redesign III

    It's been a month. Time to completely change everything again, right? It seems to be a reoccurring pattern. I'll be sure to not jinx it and say this is the last version. The last two versions will still remain intact and not be gotten rid of, just upgraded with each other. This new site is a minimalist placeholder that may just be "the site" from now on. The other two can be bonus editions. One is of course for the 1920 hi-res screen while the other is the 1280+ normal version with all of the 5-letter gifs for each option that all match proving I'm nothing more than OCD as hell. 

    This new minimalist "shell" will be hosted on neocities, which is redirected from the landing page on my server. All of the pages will also be hosted here, while all of the content will exist on under the /content folder. If you'd rather skip out on viewing websites and reading about stuff you can jump straight there if you'd rather download or see/hear stuff that way.
