- So far just archiving themes as is for now on a series of rewritables and uploading everything to a geocities.ws server for now. So the site themes are nowhere near ready. Sorry to jump the gun on my neocities / lehr.me landing pages.
- Recreating a bunch of old websites to equal 8 total themes soon (maybe even more)
- Minor changes so far to each theme.
- Added third theme to start working on, Space Dust, from the original "five letter" website
- After my wife's surgery yesterday I spent no time on this, but instead here and there resurrected another old site called "2017a" and made it the "Overload" theme of my current.
- Updated the cbox and email form for now. That's literally it! I'll try to update more after work today. Added two IRC channels of mine (which have barely anyone or really no one) on Chat page.
11:53pm after work - Finished "Chambers of Death" subsite of "My Primitive Doom Works"
- Updated the "Warlock Story" and "Old Primitive Doom Mods Whatever I Called It" Pages
- Updated and added more Project Warlock and Dybbuk81/Doom pages!
- A few more future hidden gems to later be revealed.
- The top bar is all the way to the right and appears centered when not. That was the goal.
- Working on adding to more doom pages I've brought to the Dybbuk81 menu: Doom Music, Modern Doom News, and Megawads Collection.
- Classic Gaming Sanctuary has been added, but not much content is there yet.
- Working on more Project Warlock page content. The only thing left to add is "Information/Reviews"
- Added a "Hidden Page" for Cherry Rounders I'll slowly piece together when I'm not doing anything else.
- Added a "Noisebox 2" section and rearranged columns a bit. Removed "Other Sites and Stuff" and put most of the links on the above navbar in blogger written/blogger hosted format as opposed to linking directly to other servers, etc.
(Tonight I started planning and filling in a little bit on some of the pages)
- The Noise Vaults has been migrated from thenoisevaults.blogspot.com to here.
- The Absynthium Collective has been migrated from absynthiumcollective.blogspot.com
- I'm starting to migrate the Project Warlock and Doom Stuff, all while adding to the classic gaming sanctuary navigation
- I'm fully off work tomorrow for a day, so I will get a lot done.
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