Saturday, October 28, 2023

Timekillers and Nightmares of Loki 25th Anniversary Edition

Time killers for DOOM is a work in progress that I've stopped progress on for a bit. I have a feeling I might not make my self-created deadline for the OTHER project if I don't. What is the other project? Well, I've already attempted it in 1999. It was a fail bigtime. I said it took four years and the span was definitely four years BUT most of that time was off and on and spent hanging out with friends and doing a band thing. It was also high school so I was mostly there of course. It was called Nightmares of Loki and it may have been disliked by the doom community. This is not a sequel but a reboot, as if that didn't happen, but also since I have a story and an arsenal of stock music I've saved up. I was planning a sequel at first in 2002-2003 called Loki's Realm but since learning some ACS and deciding on extended bestiary I've concocted a 9-episode story with 100+ music tracks and its going to be a tough bite to chew. The sound effects and shitty texture and enemy recolored replacements back then are gone. So are the extremely long levels without any detail. I'm going to shoot finally for actual sized levels and make it look like it was a real game almost. The only thing it will have in common with the original is the dark atmosphere The 9 episodes will be spread throughout three games, the first two having cliffhangers and the third changing perspectives. I wrote Episodes 7-9 in college way back in '03-'05 and did nothing with the story but rewrite it recently. They will be for Doom II this time. The episodes are as follows:

Episode 1: The 25-Year Ghost
Episode 2: The NASA Rebel
Episode 3: Project H.A.V.O.C

Episode 4: In Search of Loki
Episode 5: Loki's Revelations
Episode 6: Universe At War

Episode 7: Leaving Earth
Episode 8: Visions of Loki
Episode 9: Awakening Sage