Thursday, May 26, 2022

Coins, Boards, Dice, and Cards


    Today I booted up D64ifier with the Absynthium Music Pack again, only this time with a map I found called CASLOTR.WAD and CPHOBOS3.wad separately which contains multiple maps, both wads starting at MAP10. D64ifier makes everything more fun than the traditional classic doom for some reason. Plus "Outbreak" plays on the Absynthium Music Pack, which is one of my favorites. Both maps can be downloaded here.

    In other news, there have been or are at least now FOUR at-home made up gaming links under the games pull-down section of my website. One is CARDS, which at the moment only leads to No Limits Blackjack, a card game programmed in college I did music and audio for. Soon that will change. The card game will of course always remain, but I will add new ideas for made-up card games. The other three buttons are BOARD (For X-Boards and Consequencus), 2DICE (For games I made up that take two dice), and COINS (This should also be pretty self-explanatory). 

    On the 2DICE page, I calculate the probability of two dice being rolled, showing that the most possible roll is seven. I utilize this in a few games on the page but have yet to come up with anything super extraordinary yet. At work I have a bunch of dice and a deck of cards in my lunchbox. Usually people throw dice at the end of the night using my dice for fun. I've yet to be like hey, guys, check out my nerdy ass's weird games.

    On the XBoards page, there is a premade version of X-Boards called Frustration that if you open it and print it you'll have a 13-level challenge that could last a while, made for one player.

    Since these are the next areas of my website I will be putting touches on, I figured I'd share a little precursor by having this blog post. Since Consequencus set-up seems like it would be complicated for someone that doesn't know what the hell it is, even after the instructions, I will be building a sample game of 8 worlds to show off how it can be done, or just give you boards to play on instead ;)

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