Saturday, June 24, 2023

Now It's Dybbuk's World

    While the internet was off (well technically it still sort of is until I pay the remainder of our bill Monday) I resurrected a website I found printed off two or three years ago on a full color sheet of paper that inspired me to instead of running two completely seperate websites, one personal as Jerry Lehr and the other gamer alias site Dybbuk81, I'd just use the alias for my personal site and have lead to all my site projects instead.

So behold, Dybbuk's World.

Everything is made.

All I really need to do is make seperate music pages for each album having full descriptions to every track, having each embedded from bandcamp to the page. Right now only a few are like this, and the rest just link directly to bandcamp instead. I want it to be thorough and complete, and I'm very damn close ;)

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

A Week of No Internet

It's been roughly a week since we had the outage across the town and I've decided to part ways with Endeavor Communications for the only other service available way out here in my area, Spark Light. My birthday happened June 9th and I did get my sweet steampunk USB hub shown in the last blog post, the light is just blue not orange.

I recently discovered a little desktop widget app called "Rocket Dock." It reminds me of MacOS the way it gets bigger as you hover the icons. I have everything on my PC set up simplistic and surrounding this little program. So yeah, it better not fuck my shit up ;)

So far out of like 72 "My Favorite Things" pages I've made just 7 layouts and quit already for a while once the internet quit too. Today I finished the outer shell for the PC version of the site, making it look more like a website with something to go along with the dropdown menu above. It is also making it for some reason easier to design. This is possibly due to the fact I only click once and I'm there, instead of hovering under a dropdown menu.

Since the outage has occurred, I've been working diligently this half-work-day and the past week and offdays offline on this full site. I am hoping that when the internet comes back I won't be tempted to upload for at least the small amount of time it will hopefully take to finish my main personal site "The Land of Noise and Fun" minus the "My Favorite Things" section. Mainly I want to finish up "The Noise Vaults" and "The Absynthium Collective" websites.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

As My 42nd Birthday Approaches

Playing some Doom64-ified mod by ENJAY years ago that has the down2.wad level from the Master Levels for Doom II's "Maximum Doom" portion, only with 29-31 other levels ;)

Doom 64ifier makes every old 90s wad look ten times cooler I swear!

Doom 64ifier plus NJDOOM2.WAD from Doom Accessory Pack IV

Today is Thursday, June 8th. Tomorrow I will turn 42. I'm not sure what's in store if anything but I AM getting one small thing I asked for from my parents on a whim...

So far... my wife has gotten me these:

The one on the right has a code to open (and is based off of the work of Da Vinci) while the one on the left is a 128GB steampunk light bulb.

Soon I would like to get ahold of this fucker:

These are all the better-designed way to make up for the deliberate yard sale loss (or goodwill loss at that) of this uselessly large collection:

I also have a couple 128 gb sandisk cruzer glides and a couple 256 gb's of the same.

Tomorrow we shall see if anything else suprises me, but due to lack of fundage lately I'm not expecting anything nor will I be upset if I only get the hub from my parents and just a kiss or something from the wife. I'm spending the night possibly adding a few minisites to the "My Favorite Things" future pages list:

I may redo the KMFDM one, to be better of course, instead.