Saturday, June 24, 2023

Now It's Dybbuk's World

    While the internet was off (well technically it still sort of is until I pay the remainder of our bill Monday) I resurrected a website I found printed off two or three years ago on a full color sheet of paper that inspired me to instead of running two completely seperate websites, one personal as Jerry Lehr and the other gamer alias site Dybbuk81, I'd just use the alias for my personal site and have lead to all my site projects instead.

So behold, Dybbuk's World.

Everything is made.

All I really need to do is make seperate music pages for each album having full descriptions to every track, having each embedded from bandcamp to the page. Right now only a few are like this, and the rest just link directly to bandcamp instead. I want it to be thorough and complete, and I'm very damn close ;)

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